Journal of Central South University杂志

Journal of Central South University杂志

  • 主管单位:中国教育部
  • 主办单位:中南大学
  • 发行周期:月刊
  • 创刊时间: 1994年
  • 国际刊号ISSN:2095-2899
  • 国内刊号CN:43-1516 / TB
  • 语言:英语
  • 主编:黄伯云
  • 邮发:
  • 邮编:410083
  • 发行:湖南
  • 期刊快捷分类:工业

Journal of Central South University杂志简介

《Journal of Central South University》 (formerly named Journal of Central South University of Technology, ) is a comprehensive academic English journal, administrated by the Ministry of Education of China, sponsored by Central South University, and jointly published by Central South University and Springer. It was founded in November 1994, published semi-yearly in 1995-1999, quarterly in 2000-2004, bimonthly in 2005-2011, and will be published monthly from 2012.

《Journal of Central South University》is mainly devoted to publishing academic papers and reports that are of creativeness and present the latest achievement of scientific research in such fields as geology, mining, metallurgy, materials, chemistry and chemical engineering, mechatronics, information, construction, traffic, transportation and environment. The columns of the Journal include: Materials Science and Engineering, Metallurgy, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering, Control Science and Information Engineering; Energy and Power Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Mine Engineering; Engineering; Geological Engineering, Civil Engineering, Traffic and Transportation Engineering.

《Journal of Central South University》is covered by several famous information retrieval systems and databases, including SCI Expanded, EI Compendex, Chemical Abstracts, Metal Abstracts, Aluminium Industry Abstracts, INSPEC, CSAC, CNKI and WANGFANG DATA. The Journal was consecutively awarded “The High-quality Scientific Journal in Chinese Universities” by the Ministry of Education of China in 2006, 2008 and 2010. Now, the Journal is in its quickly-developing period both in quality and quantity, and has become one of the most influential English journals in China.

《Journal of Central South University》的获奖情况:2006、2008、2010“中国高校精品科技期刊”;2009“全国高校科技期刊优秀编辑质量奖”;2012中国最具国际影响力学术期刊;2012年入选教育部“精品科技期刊”工程。

Journal of Central South University栏目设置


Journal of Central South University广告刊登

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