Chinese Journal of Polymer Science杂志

Chinese Journal of Polymer Science杂志

  • 主管单位:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办单位:中国化学会;中国科学院化学研究所
  • 发行周期:月刊
  • 创刊时间: 1983年
  • 国际刊号ISSN:0256-7679
  • 国内刊号CN:11-2015/O6
  • 语言:英语
  • 主编:王佛松
  • 邮发:
  • 邮编:100190
  • 发行:北京
  • 期刊快捷分类:化学

Chinese Journal of Polymer Science杂志简介

《Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (CJPS)》 is a monthly journal published in English and sponsored by the Chinese Chemical Society and the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. CJPS is edited by a distinguished Editorial Board headed by Professor Fosong Wang and supported by an International Advisory Board in which many famous active polymer scientists all over the world are included. The journal was first published in 1983 under the title Polymer Communications and has the current name since 1985.

《Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (CJPS)》is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the timely publication of original research ideas and results in the field of polymer science. The issues may carry regular papers, rapid communications and notes as well as feature articles. As a leading polymer journal in China published in English, CJPS reflects the new achievements obtained in various laboratories of China. CJPS also includes papers submitted by scientists of different countries and regions outside of China, reflecting the international nature of the journal.

Chinese Journal of Polymer Science栏目设置


Chinese Journal of Polymer Science广告刊登

Chinese Journal of Polymer Science广告投放、广告刊登电话,Chinese Journal of Polymer Science发行量大约本每期(月刊)。欢迎企业或个人来电咨询有关Chinese Journal of Polymer Science的广告投放事宜!

Chinese Journal of Polymer Science期刊投稿

二、投稿期刊名称(如Chinese Journal of Polymer Science),投稿文章题目,投稿人姓名,手机号码,通讯地址,电子邮箱,上传稿件等信息为必须字段。
四、请Chinese Journal of Polymer Science的投稿者一定要留下联系方式(手机号码),以便联系修改,不留者一律不予采用。


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