
(更新:2020-8-2 22:37:48)

引导千禧一代的潮流指南,汇聚国内外顶级流量icon/KOL。一年发行四刊:春季刊(3 月) 夏季刊(5 月) 秋季刊(8 月) 冬季刊(11 月) 。首期SuperELLE杂志线上限量预售,6万册当日售空。封面微博话题#SuperELLE风格由我#累计阅读量3.0亿,累计讨论数317万。截止目前,SuperELLE杂志共入驻全国146家网红店铺。杂志与ELLEplus App视频的AR联动形式,为业界首创!
Guideline of the millennial trend, gathering top-level popularity icons and KOLs in China and abroad. Four issues a year: Spring (March) Summer (May) Autumn (August) and Winter (November). The first issue of SuperELLE was limited to pre-sale, and 60,000 copies were sold out at the very day. Cover microblog topic #SuperELLE style by me # cumulative reading quantity of 300 million, the cumulative discussion number reached 3.17 million. By March 2018, SuperELLE magazine has settled in 146 online celebrity stores nationwide.
